Sunday, December 02, 2007


First I want to share my kitchen up closer. I just love it. I have cooked more in the last 2 days than a week's worth in the old house. We will have to keep the gym active at this rate.

Now, just in case you had not heard (HA!) it snowed here yesterday. It started around 1 (as we were on our way to Ikea) and has not stopped. At one point this morning it was raining but then it turned to snow again and I think right now it is raining again. The shots below were at just about the peak of the storm. I would guesstimate we got about 3". Papa Peep was shocked. He was told it rarely snows and when it does it melts right away. The snow may be gone by the afternoon but it was definitely more than just a dusting.


  1. So pretty, both the Kitchen and the snow! I think I can smell those empanadas from here!

  2. How incredibly fun for the kiddos! I talked to my sis-in-law (downtown Seattle) yesterday, and she said they had enough snow for her boys to build a snowman. Woohoo!!
    Love your kitchen - it's beautiful.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. yay to the snow. if i was there with sammy he would be running around your bakyard rolling around in the snow. he tried that this morning over here in snowy NY. funny boy that one... :-)
