Saturday, January 09, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year folks! I hope this year brings you and your loved ones good health, much peace, and true joy.

We enter a new decade and with everything new we see new possibilities. Some of us think about getting in shape; some about reading those books we've been meaning to get to; some about the great job that alludes us. The new possibilities are endless. Well, I say set your goals and work for them!! If you reach them, pat yourself on the back. If you don't, change them so you can, but don't give up on them.

Before a new school year begins, I always write down my goals for the peeps; what I will help them improve/learn/achieve. Usually around this time of year I check my list to make sure we are on track. Sometimes I realize we have achieved them without much effort. I write new ones. Sometimes we are totally off track. I readjust.

This school year I had them write down their own goals but not share them with me. I sealed each one and we will open them at the end of the school year. So far I can say we are on track as far as my goals for them go. What they set for themselves is beyond me. I do need to remind them to check their progress. I can't wait to discover and explore them.

Here is to a year full of possibilities!!!