Sunday, February 03, 2008

Books turned Movies

While waiting for the Super Bowl to start and avoiding the mountain of chores accumulating on my TO DO list, I surfed across the news that The Secret Life of Bees is being made into a movie. I enjoyed this book very much. I believe it was Bits of Grey Matter who loaned it to me. It is a great read. Go to Amazon to read some reviews. I am looking forward to this movie as Dakota Fanning is playing the main character. Other cast members include Queen Latifa and Jennifer Hudson.
The above is still being filmed so no movie poster yet. Below is the movie poster for my next announcement.

The Other Boleyn Girl is another book turned movie. I have not read this but will add it to my list since I have been meaning to read it for some time now. I enjoy Natalie Portman so will keep my eye out for this one as well.
SuperBowl is starting! GO PATRIOTS!!!!


  1. Ooh, I enjoyed both those books.

    I'm afraid I only paid enough attention to the Superbowl to be aware of the end, so I wouldn't miss the new HOUSE episode!!! ;-)
